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Can Screen Time Be Educational for Toddlers?

In today’s digital age, screen time for toddlers has become a common practice. While excessive screen time can have negative effects on a child’s development, some screen time can be educational if used in moderation and with age-appropriate and interactive content.

Here are some tips on how to make screen time educational for toddlers.

  1. Limit Screen Time

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that children aged 2 to 5 years should have no more than one hour of screen time per day. However, it is important to note that this is a maximum limit and not a recommended amount. Parents should aim to limit screen time as much as possible and prioritise other activities such as physical play, creative play, and social interaction.

  1. Choose Age-Appropriate Content

When choosing content for toddlers, it is essential to choose age-appropriate and interactive content. Educational apps, games, and videos designed for toddlers can help them develop cognitive skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving. Look for content that is engaging, interactive, and promotes active learning rather than passive consumption.

  1. Watch with Your Child

Watching screens with your child can make screen time more interactive and educational. You can ask your child questions about what they are watching, encourage them to point out objects or characters on the screen and talk about the story or content. This not only enhances their understanding but also promotes language development and critical thinking skills.

  1. Use Screen Time as a Learning Opportunity

Screen time can be used as a learning opportunity for toddlers. For example, you can use educational apps and games to teach your child letters, numbers, colours, and shapes. Many apps and websites offer interactive activities that encourage active participation and learning. Additionally, you can use videos and shows to teach your child about animals, nature, and the world around them. Discuss the content and reinforce the concepts through real-life examples and activities.

  1. Prioritize Other Activities

While screen time can be educational, it is important to prioritise other activities such as physical play, creative play, and social interaction. These activities are essential for a child’s development and should be prioritized over screen time. Encourage your child to engage in imaginative play, outdoor activities, and interactions with peers and family members. This will help them develop essential skills, including problem-solving, social skills, and physical coordination.

In conclusion, while screen time can be educational for toddlers, it is crucial to find a balance and ensure that it does not replace other important activities. By practising all the above measures, you can make screen time a valuable and educational experience for your toddler. Remember to monitor your child’s screen time and provide a safe and supportive environment for their overall development.

 It is essential to make the most of advancing technology and use it to its maximum potential. At Sanskriti The School we use technology as an aid to enhance our teaching and learning. Our students grow in a tech-friendly environment and are well-versed with technology when it is time for them to step out into the world.