Tips to spark creativity in kids

Your bundle of joy is also a bundle of high energy and curiosity. From this…

Do your kids often feel bored in the evenings? Are you unable to find ways to keep them engaged? Click here for some fun after-school activities for kids.

11 after-school activities ideas for kids that parents must know

Children spend the better part of the day at school but still have a lot of…

Importance of sports in academics

Importance of sports in academics

Learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom. Some of the best life lessons…

Why are kids addicted to video games? Learn how to engage them better

Parents in the 1990s - “Come back in! You’ve been playing for hours.” Parents…

10 Best Learning Activities for Kids

Ten learning activities your kid would want to try!

You'll need ideas to keep those little scholar minds active, whether you're…

Parents should follow these steps to plan for their child's education

“Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”      -…

5 Ways to Maintain A Positive Mindset During Covid 19

School students already have to deal with a lot due to exams and homework. Now,…

Why You Should Not Use Smartphones for Too Long?

Every person down your street has a smartphone. According to a recent study,…

Back to school? Here’s what you should keep in mind!

Back to school? Here’s what you should keep in mind!

  After a yearlong gap, going back to school can get a little hectic,…

Why Should Children Volunteer?

How do you encourage your child to engage with the world around them and learn…