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6 Ways To Develop Critical Thinking In Your Child

Having strong critical thinking skills is a must these days. It is one of the most important life skills that helps children through all aspects of their life.

Critical thinking is an objective analysis of facts to form a judgement. It is considered to be rational, problem-solving and performed to a rigorous standard.

If you want your child to have a flexible mind that readily absorbs and processes new information and knows well how to respond to complex problems then developing critical thinking is just as important. 

Here are a few ways as to how you can help your child think critically

It is always a good idea to help children solve problems on their own. Of course, you can assist and guide them if you see them falling back but encourage them to explore, ask questions, to test their theories and think critically about the result and what could they possibly do to make it slightly different or change it entirely.


1. Encourage Pursuits Of Curiosity 

It is always a good idea to help children solve things on their own. Of course, you can assist and guide them if you see them falling back but foster them to explore, ask questions, to test their theories and think critically about the result and what could they possibly do to make it slightly different or change it entirely.


2. Instill A Love For Learning

You can help children think deeply about certain topics by instilling a love for learning and a desire to understand how things work around them. You can help your child understand by answering all their questions in a way that will help them comprehend better. You can encourage them to read books or enroll them on sites that provide information on current affairs.


3. Give Your Child Time To Think

When a child is given a certain problem or situation to tackle with, don’t rush them into giving you an answer to it. Wait for them to evaluate the information and determine if it is true, important and whether or not should be believed. You can help them by making them think critically about where the information is coming from, how it is related, and why it is important.


4. Ask Them How To Solve A Particular Problem

Asking children simple questions is easy as it will nudge them to come up with a variety of approaches. Give the child ample time to ponder over the question critically so that they know how to put all the information in order for you to understand. It’s a great way to consolidate learning. 


5. Ask Open-Minded Questions

Do not ask questions to your child to which they already have an answer or those that require one-word response. Instead, ask questions like what would happen if? What is your opinion about this? 

Guiding your child to think critically and solve their own problems will leave a positive impact on their skills.

There will be situations where you as a parent need to step in and such situations also help you to think critically. When you’re working through a decision-making process, trying to come up with a solution, your approach matters a lot because children learn from observing how you think. 

Give your child the time to navigate problems as it is integral to developing their critical thinking skills in the long run.